
The NCGIA is proud to present the Partnership for a Gang Free North Carolina

Gang Free NC LogoGang Free North Carolina is a gang prevention, intervention, suppression and policy organization committed to developing, promoting and sustaining state-wide strategies, policies and laws that will reduce criminal gangs and the associated criminal activity, to include injury and death. Most importantly, a Gang Free North Carolina will aid and assist North Carolinians in every capacity in strategies and recommended programs to reduce gangs and gang violence.

A Gang Free North Carolina is committed to educating citizens and community leaders about the dangers of gangs by sharing our knowledge, resources and experience with them in order to prevent or eliminate gang activity in our state.


What is a Gang?

A gang is a group or association of three or more persons who may have a common identifying sign, symbol, or name and who individually or collectively engage in, or have engaged in, criminal activity which creates an atmosphere of fear and intimidation.

Criminal activity includes juvenile acts that, if committed by an adult, would be a crime.

How to Identify a Potential Gang Member

Youth who are on the fringe of gang involvement usually display some of the following behaviors and characteristics. While these guidelines are not written in stone, a combination of these signs indicate a child is more likely to become involved in a gang.

* Poor academic progress in school
* Lack of interest in school activities
* Large blocks of unsupervised time
* Signs of increased conflict at home
* Frequent disciplinary issues
* Frequent contact with Police
* Drawing graffiti
* Imitating gang dress or behavior
* Tattoos drawn on the body
* Uses hand signs adopted by the gang

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Are there gangs in your

Gang Presence Checklist

Is graffiti showing up in your neighborhood or school?

Has any graffiti been crossed out by other graffiti?

Do some students or young people in the neighborhood wear noticeable colors, bandanas or tattoos?

Do some students or neighborhoods display behavior that may be gang related, such as meeting in groups?

Do some students or neighborhood kids flash hand signals?

Are drugs available on or near schools or neighborhood?

Has there been a significant increase in physical confrontation or "stare downs" in the last year?

Are weapons increasingly present in the community?

Do students use or have beepers, pagers, phones?

Have there been "drive by" shows or displays of weapons?

Have there been any "drive by" shootings in the neighborhood or near the school?

Has the truancy rate noticeably increased during the past year?

Have the number of racial incidents increased in the community and/or school?

Does the community have a history of gang presence or activity?

Is there an increasing presence of “informal” social groups with unusual names such as "SUR" or "East Side"?

Have your children come home with bruises for no reason?


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